LA General One 3
Hybrid Tea Rose (selections)
Adagio Eulaia Grass
Blue Oat Grass
New Zealand Flax
Hybrid Tea Rose (selections)

Common name:Hybrid Tea Rose (selections)
Botanical name:Rosa Hybrid Tea varieties

These shrubs and vines are the most loved in the Western USA and are very resilient. They come in a wide variety of sizes and colors and are easy to maintain with proper care. They can be used in a water-conserving garden with careful attention to irrigation practices.

Adagio Eulaia Grass

Common name:Adagio Eulaia Grass
Botanical name:Miscanthus 'Adagio'

These deciduous grasses grow from 2'-3' tall, and often turn orange or dark red before going dormant. Tall, showy spikes of feathery, curved seed heads are borne and retained well into the winter or the following spring. It should receive sun to part sha

Blue Oat Grass

Common name:Blue Oat Grass
Botanical name:Helictotrichon sempervirens

The Blue Oat Grass is an evergreen, blue clumping grass that grows 12"-18" tall and wide. Its showy flowers are 1'-2' above the foliage. This plant looks good alone as well as in mass plantings. The blue oat grass likes dry hill sides and is drought tolerant. -Cornflower Farms

New Zealand Flax

Common name:New Zealand Flax
Botanical name:Phormium tenax

New Zealand Flax is a large, bold plant with stiffly vertical, sword-like, green leaves that arise from its base. It should be grown under full sun for best color. Varieties will offer different growth habits and leaf color.

Designer: Stephanie Blanc

LA General One 3

Photographer: GardenSoft

Soils and Compost:

Incorporate compost 6" into your soil to retain water, reduce compaction, feed earthworms, and provide valuable nutrients to your plants.

Integrated Pest Management:

Attract, or buy beneficial insects such as ladybugs and lacewings to control pest outbreaks in your garden.